‘24-’25 EXECUTIVE BOARD PresidentToni Liberman FALL ‘24 CLASSIFICATION Senior IDREAM NURSING JOB Pediatric Oncology Nurse Practitioner NURSING TIP! Study in groups, not alone. Friends make studying way more fun!! Contact Me! Vice PresidentSami Law FALL ‘23 CLASSIFICATION Senior IDREAM NURSING JOB CVICU Nurse or CRNA Nurse NURSING TIP! Contact Me! Membership DirectorAbbi Fikar FALL ‘23 CLASSIFICATION Junior IDREAM NURSING JOB Pediatric Physician Assistant NURSING TIP! Contact Me! Secretary Grace LeBlanc FALL ‘23 CLASSIFICATION Senior 1 DREAM NURSING JOB CRNA NURSING TIPGo to office hours and get to know your professors! Contact Me! TreasurerNiahm Scallon FALL ‘23 CLASSIFICATION Junior IDREAM NURSING JOB NICU NurseNURSING TIP Contact Me! ParliamentarianMaggie Curran FALL ‘23 CLASSIFICATION Junior 2DREAM NURSING JOB Pediatric Oncology NURSING TIPFind your support system to have on your good and bad days! Contact Me! Activities ChairAnna Wiot FALL ‘23 CLASSIFICATION Senior IDREAM NURSING JOB Pediatric ICUNURSING TIPHaving friends you can go to in nursing for help makes all the difference Contact Me! Community Service ChairCoa Sam Tran FALL ‘23 CLASSIFICATION Sophomore 1DREAM NURSING JOBNICU Nurse or Travel NurseNURSING FACT Contact Me! Communications ChairAudrey Burdge FALL ‘23 CLASSIFICATION Junior IDREAM NURSING JOB Pediatric Oncology NURSING TIPGo to office hours as much as possible! Your professors want to help you!! Contact Me! Historian/Apparel Chair Mikayla Gunther FALL ‘23 CLASSIFICATION Senior IDREAM NURSING JOB Pediatric orthopedics NURSING TIP!Study a little bit each day! Contact Me!